Honda Australia
— Website Platform
Usability Testing
Agency: Leo Burnett
Role: UI and UX
Year: 2019

Honda Australia set out to restructure their site and put all four categories of their brand (Cars, Motorcycles, Marine and Power Equipment) under one roof. A big aspect of this was migrating each website onto one global platform - Sitecore. 

To connect these four separate site experiences, we adapted and improved on existing components, templates and styles from the Honda Automotive website. We also leveraged the learnings from a series of exploration sessions and took the opportunity to re-establish user journeys, purchase funnels and multiple UX and UI updates.
We mapped out a universal website structure for all four websites that aligned with a logical path to purchase. The proposed funnel allowed us to track user’s movements throughout the site and collect data to help identify user intent.
The proposed global navigation created consistency across the four Honda sites. It also created more awareness of other Honda products across all four categories – a key aspect as Honda moves into a 'One Honda' (MyHonda) approach in the future.

Menu hierarchy and graphic execution of the products across two levels gave the user a quick and easy product discovery experience - catering to consumers browsing multiple category options.

Pulling in data from 'Accessories' we were able to give the user a more accurate final ‘drive away price.’